The Mystery Dish: Unraveling the Origins of the Jurassic Park Delight

In the iconic 1993 film Jurassic Park, there’s a scene that has sparked culinary curiosity among fans for years. After witnessing the terrifying spectacle of a T-Rex devouring a goat, the characters sit down to a meal. The dish served to Laura Dern’s character, Dr. Ellie Sattler, has been the subject of much speculation. It appears to be a type of sushi or sashimi with an orange garnish. But what exactly is this mysterious dish? Let’s unravel the origins of the Jurassic Park Delight.

The Dish in Question

The dish served to Dr. Sattler is a visually striking one. It consists of a rectangular piece of what appears to be raw fish, topped with a bright orange garnish. The garnish is not immediately identifiable, leading to speculation that it could be anything from caviar to a type of fruit. The dish is served on a bed of greenery, adding to its aesthetic appeal.

Is it Sushi or Sashimi?

Given the appearance of the dish, many have speculated that it is a type of sushi or sashimi. Sushi refers to any dish that includes vinegared rice, often accompanied by raw fish. Sashimi, on the other hand, is simply raw fish or seafood served without rice. The dish in Jurassic Park does not appear to include rice, suggesting that it may be closer to sashimi. However, the presence of the garnish complicates this identification.

The Mystery Garnish

The bright orange garnish on the dish has been the subject of much debate. Some have suggested that it is tobiko, or flying fish roe, a common garnish for sushi and sashimi. Others have proposed that it could be a type of fruit, such as a finely sliced persimmon or apricot. The truth, however, remains elusive.

The Verdict

Without confirmation from the filmmakers or a clear view of the dish in the film, it’s impossible to say for certain what the Jurassic Park Delight is. The most likely explanation is that it is a type of sashimi with a garnish of tobiko. This would fit with the luxurious setting of the meal and the visual impact of the dish. However, until we have definitive proof, the Jurassic Park Delight will remain a delicious mystery.


While we may never know the exact nature of the Jurassic Park Delight, the speculation and debate it has sparked among fans is a testament to the enduring impact of the film. Whether it’s a type of sashimi or a completely fictional dish, it’s clear that the Jurassic Park Delight has captured the imaginations of viewers just as much as the film’s prehistoric creatures.